Aligned Business
Accelerator - LIVE!

Join me LIVE as I show you how to create your very own Aligned Business Blueprint.

You will be shown how to map out your Masterplan for an Aligned 6-figure Business - and how to implement it

Because you want a business you can scale sustainably!

This system & tools have previously been reserved only for my VIPs in a 10 month Mastermind.

But with this special offer, it's all available to you at just a fraction of that cost!

What to expect:

Clarity on your ideal business model & strategy 

A step-by-step guide to creating your Aligned Business Blueprint

Tools & processes to help you stay in alignment with and in your business

Learn how to be hyper effective so you get more done in less time than you ever dreamt possible

Enjoy a MID TERM BREAK to start implementing your Blueprint.

Time to ask questions & get live support on each call

Take advantage of the super affordable VIP upgrade to help you turbo boost the process

What Others Said:
This has totally transformed my business and my belief in what is possible for me. Miriam created an amazing space to dive deeper into developing the mindset and energy state to set up my business for success.

Anna Mason

Clarity Coach

If you have worked on your Money Mindset and now want to apply what you have learnt in your Business to reach 6-Figures & beyond then THIS is the program for you!

Amanda Horne

Founder, Home Bill Saver

Highly recommended  for women in biz who are ready to be supported in exploring the beautiful balance between building a biz and their own personal alignment.

Jen Lang

Communication Specialist

I've read and studied with other business advisors & spiritual people and Miriam has the simple, practical and magical approach. She puts its all together so you improve and grow both yourself and your business.

Robyn Williams

Property Developer

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If you change your mind about taking part in this training, a full refund is available until 7 days before the first live call.

No refunds whatsoever available beyond that.

It is up to you to create time in your schedule to attend live calls - or make time to watch the recordings.

No guarantee of results is given as your results will depend entirely on your efforts & commitments to the process. All income figures & results quoted during this training are simply examples of my own or other students results. Your results will differ and reflect your own unique journey.

All information presented is & remains the intellectual property of Miriam Castilla and the Effectology Method Pty Ltd. The training content and principles may not be shared outside this program and any such actions will be deemed a breach of copyright and result in appropriate action.
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Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time done & dusted for just US$497 (+GST in Australia)$497.00
  • Preferred option
    3 easy monthly instalments of US$179 (+GST in Australia)3x $179.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal

Aligned Business AcceleratorLive Training Series $0
Special Offer

It gives you:

An invitation to join me for a CORE VALUES WORKSHOP before the Accelerator begins,  giving you the chance deeply connect & gain clarity on what truly lights you up, so you can incorporate it into your Aligned Business Blueprint.

Another BONUS Group Call at the end of the Accelerator to help you implement everything, tidy up your Aligned Business Blueprint and ask me even more questions!

Add to cart$49.00

  • Total payment
  • 1xAligned Business Accelerator$0

All prices in USD
